Stakeholders and Faculty Deans Conduct Field Visit for Palm Oil – Cow Integrated Program at PT SISKA

palm oil magazine
Several stakeholders and deans from the Faculty of Livestock conducted a field visit to observe the Palm Oil – Cow Integrated Program at PT. Simbiosis Karya Agroindustri (SISKA) in the Subdistrict of Satui, District of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province.. Photo by:

PALMOILMAGAZINE, TANAH BUMBU – Amidst the challenges of declining land quality and calf breeding limitations in Indonesia, a crucial response involves a transformative approach through revitalization. This aims to enhance production efficiency and bolster national food security.

To address this imperative, the Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS) at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) collaborated with the Sistem Integrasi Sapi – Kelapa Sawit (SISKA) Supporting Program. They extended invitations to stakeholders, including deans from various livestock faculties in Indonesia, for a field visit themed “Revitalisasi Pastura untuk Perbanyakan Sapi Pedaging” (Pasture Revitalization for Beef Cattle Reproduction).

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This insightful event took place from Wednesday to Thursday (20 – 21 December 2023) at PT. Simbiosis Karya Agroindustri (SISKA) in the Sub-district of Satui, District of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province. Prof. Nahrowi, Chairman of CENTRAS at IPB, emphasized that the primary objective of the field visit was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the palm oil – cow integrated program within palm oil plantations.

Also Read : UGM Professor Advocates Palm Oil-Cow Integrated Program for Sustainable Agriculture

It is hoped the visit would be source of inspiration and local potential to research that could escalate calf production sustainably.

Prof Nahrowi also mentioned that it also would encourage the lecturers as the motivator to harmonize the programs and activity that would develop SISKA in Indonesia. “For all these years, there is no lecturers that mobilized besides PT SISKA. This is the chance to develop qualified research – collaboration,” he said.

He also emphasized CENTRAS got many research -offers from many instances, for instance, high – level education, BRIN, and Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA). But the future thing to do is about to get the same collaboration to develop SISKS programs, get innovation and new method about SISKA.

In the context to get educational support, there would be memorandum of understanding to do workshop and to decide standards of Mutu Bidang Keahlian Mahasiswa (MBKM) about palm oil – cow integrated program. “This is significant to develop science and prepare young generations about the program,” Prof Nahrowi said.

By involving other stakeholders in many sectors, the field visit is hoped to synergize sustainable development business model in calf industries in Indonesia. (T2)

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