PALMOILMAGAZINE, TANA TIDUNG – Palm oil plantations in the Village of Menjelutung, Sesayap Hilir Subdistrict, Tana Tidung Regency, North Kalimantan Province, are expected to boost local income.
Villagers spend their time collecting fallen palm oil seeds from plasma plantations. This activity not only provides an alternative to unproductive tasks but also serves as a source of additional income. An active seed collector can gather up to five bags per day, totaling about 250 kilograms. Koperasi Usaha Bersama Plasma Menjelutung Perdana Lestari (KUB PMPL), a plasma partner, purchases these seeds at Rp 350 per kilogram.
As the price of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) rises, villagers hope that the price of seeds will increase as well. Ares Wahyudi, Secretary of KUB PMPL, noted that higher seed prices would positively impact the local economy.
Also Read: KUB Plasma Menjelutung Perdana Lestari Members Reject
“If the seeds get more expensive, the plantations would be cleaner because the villagers would have more spirit to collect seeds on the land. Besides, it would provide new employment for the villagers of Menjelutung,” Ares said to, Tuesday (17/9/2024).
Collecting seeds showed that the villagers around palm oil plantations took advantages on economic opportunity without involving in formal work. They would independently get additional income in productive ways. This would be the spirit reflection of work ethos of the villagers to support the family and community’s economy. (P2)