Unveiling the Potential Benefits of Palm Oil in Reducing Cancer Risks: A Scientific Perspective

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Muhammad-Ridho-Hardiansyah

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Palm oil, being the most widely consumed and produced vegetable oil globally, has been subject to extensive debates regarding its impact on health. However, scientific research has revealed evidence suggesting that palm oil can be consumed responsibly and may offer specific advantages over olive oil in reducing the risk of cancer attacks.

As Palmoilmagazine.com  quoted from Buku Fakta Kelapa Sawit, from the research by Ng et al. (1992) and Choudhury et al. (1995), palm oil is potential to minimize cancer risks. One factor is the effect to good high density lipprotein (HDL) in blood. Their research showed palm oil could escalate numbers of HDL in blood and it is a little bit higher than olive oil has.

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HDL is known as ‘good cholesterol’ because its functions to carry cholesterol from cells back to hearth. Cholesterol can be digested and thrown away. The high HDL numbers in blood has something to do with minimizing heart attack risks and it is believed to minimize cancer attack risks.

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Besides it is important to realize that other factors play the roles to cancer risk, such as, diet in a whole, life style, genetic factors, and environment. Palm oil, both as part of balance diet, is needed to consume in normal diet.

It is also important to notice the quality of palm oil before consuming. Palm oil which was sustainably consumed, including in the principles and criteria of certification schemes, such as, Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil, would confirm that it qualifies the standards of sustainability and has high quality. (T2)

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