PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Palm oil, a commonly utilized vegetable oil in the food and beverage industries, has garnered significant attention in research focused on human health. A key component found in palm oil is Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA), which can be derived from palmitate, a saturated fatty acid constituting approximately 40% of palm oil.
The research by Muchtadi (1992) focused the advantages of MUFA in palm oil for man’s health. MUFA is kind of fat which is healthyfor it could help increase lipid profile in man’s body and contributes to the health of heart.
As from Buku Fakta Kelapa Sawit, some advantages of MUFA in palm oil are, it could maintain the healthy hearth; it helps increase high density lipoprotein in blood and decreases low density lipoprotein (LDL). It potentially decreases risks of heart attack and cardiovascular.
Not only that, MUFA is the important source of energy for man’s body. Fat is one nutrient needed to fulfil daily energy needs and MUFA in palm oil could contribute significantly.
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It helps absorb nutrient. Fat in palm oil, including MUFA plays to absorb some important nutrients, such as, vitamin A, D, E, and K that can be melted in fat. That is why consuming palm oil that has MUFA could help body to absorb nutrients needed.
But just like all fat, consuming palm oil with MUFA should be in balance and in normal diet. Though MUFA has important roles to health, it is important to notice fat consumption in whole diet and maintain the balance diet.
Besides, it is important to select palm oil which was sustainably produced and noticing the quality and sustainability. Being smart to get products that paid attention to sustainability would support sustainable and environmental agricultural practices. (T2)