IPOA Targets 10% Growth in ISPO Certifications for Members in 2023

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Palmoilmagazine / Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), Eddy Martono

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – As of the present, 85 percent of the members of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) have obtained Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificates.

Eddy Martono, the Chairman of IPOA, mentioned that a few members are in the process of acquiring ISPO certificates to meet higher targets.

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Eddy also expressed IPOA’s dedication to continually increasing the number of members who meet the qualifications for ISPO certification. One tangible step in this direction is the reintroduction of ISPO clinics. These clinics are expected to address and resolve any issues that IPOA members may encounter while seeking ISPO certification.

“We hope we can realize the higher percentage. If we could not realize 100 percent, we would get 10 percent more,” Eddy Martono said to Palmoilmagazine.com in the IPOA office in Jakarta.

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It is positive to escalate the members of IPOA in getting ISPO certificates to encourage sustainable palm oil industries in Indonesia. ISPO certificate is one way to confirm that palm oil production in Indonesia is produced sustainably including in social and environmental perspectives.

By having more IPOA members that qualify for ISPO terms and conditions, it is hoped palm oil industries would transform to implement more sustainable and environmental practices. Besides, it could help to escalate the images of the industries in the world and encourage to minimize the impacts on the environment. (T2)

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