ISPO Expansion: Extending Sustainable Palm Oil Initiatives to Downstream Sectors

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Over the years, the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) initiative has primarily focused on the upstream sector of palm oil plantations, with limited progress in the downstream sectors. However, there is now a push for ISPO to extend its scope to include the palm oil downstream sectors.

Putu July Ardika, the General Director of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry, revealed that ISPO, regulated by President’s Regulation Number 44/2020, is set to undergo expansion into the downstream sectors of the palm oil industry. This move aims to enhance the sustainability and impact of ISPO across the entire palm oil value chain.

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According to the initiation of Coordinator Ministry in Economy, the scope of ISPO certification could be expanded to downstream sectors to escalate downstream product competitiveness, including energy or fuel.

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The President’s Regulation Number 44/2020 is being revised and would be completed. “We have had meetings among ministries. There are lots of agreement and in this very short, hopefully everything would be finished,” he said in the Kick Off Pendampingan Industri 4.0 Industri Makanan dan Minuman in Jakarta recently.

Putu also hoped, the expansion of ISPO scope, there would be only one ISPO to run nationally. “It means, ISPO certification would be only one nationally. There is no more ISPO in the upstream or downstream, or ISPO supply chain. We came to a conclusion, there is only ISPO,” he said, as quoted from Antara.

Though he did not mention obviously about ISPO scope to downstream sectors, it would be the way to fight anti-deforestation that European Union published. Putu thought it is the way to anticipate it. (T2)

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