PALMOILMAGAZINE, PASER – The East Kalimantan Province Plantation Agency conducted a socialization event on Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) for smallholders, coordinated by Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Sumber Bahagia and KUD Sumber Rejeki. The event took place at the Village Hall of Krayan Bahagia in the Subdistrict of Long Ikis on Thursday, May 16, 2024.
The socialization was inaugurated by the Head of the East Kalimantan Plantation Agency, represented by Head of Sustainable Plantation Asmirilda. The aim was to enhance the understanding and implementation of ISPO standards and to encourage smallholders to actively participate in ISPO initiatives led by the East Kalimantan Plantation Agency.
The involvement of Koperasi Produsen Bumi Subur and Solidaridad was part of the agency’s strategy to promote ISPO among planters, accelerating their ISPO certification process. This effort is in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 44 of 2020 on the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification System and the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation Number 38 of 2020 on the Implementation of ISPO. These two cooperatives are among six targeted for special development by the agency to implement and achieve ISPO certification.
Also Read: Promoting Palm Oil Plantation Governance in Indonesia through Self-Reporting via Siperibun
“By this development, the smallholders are hoped to escalate their production quality and welfare,” Asmirilda said, as quoted from the official page of East Kalimantan Province, Saturday (18/5/2024).
It is also hoped that the smallholders in Regency of Paser would understand more that ISPO would be very important and they would cultivate theirs sustainably and responsibly.
The socialization was attended by Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency Regency of Paser, Head of Village and Secretary of Kravan Bahagia Village, the representatives from Solidaridad, chairman of Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Apkasindo) Regency of Paser, and 50 chairmen and members of the unions.
Key note speakers in the socialization were the Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency Regency of Paser, head of Sustainable Plantation East Kalimantan Province, Manage of ICS Koperasi Produsen Bumi Subur, and expert trainer from Solidaridad. They discussed the materials about ISPO prinicples and the best practices in environmental palm oil plantations.
Besides the socialization, 10 packages of self – protection tools were delivered for each union to confirm their safety and healthy when cultivating their plantations. (T2)