Palm Oil Plantation Companies Stocks Showed a Green Growth of 5.06% on Monday 12, 2023

Doc. / Palm Oil Plantation Companies' Stocks Showed a 'Green' Growth of 5.06% on Monday 12, 2023, JAKARTA – On Monday, June 12, 2023, the stock of PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. (SSMS), a palm oil plantation company, continued to show a positive trend. The stock price of SSMS rose by 5.06% to reach Rp. 1,350 per share.

This increase occurred during the afternoon trading session at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Although the stock price of CSRA also experienced an increase, SSMS outperformed it and took the lead.

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The increasing stock selling price of SSMS happened at the afternoon trade in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Prior stock selling price of CSRA also increased but SSMS overtook it.

Read more : Palm Oil Plantation Companies’ Stocks Were ‘Green” Still though

In BEI on Monday (12/6/2023) stock trade some palm oil plantation companies’ stock got ‘green’ and helped the increasing indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) until the afternoon closing session.

The increasing stock selling price on Monday (12/6) was at 0,50 percent to 5,06 percent. Here are top five palm oil plantation companies’ stock selling price as what Editorials of noticed:

  1. SSMS or PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk., within increasing stock selling price 5,06 percent to be Rp. 1.350 per stock.
  2. CSRA or PT. Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk., within increasing stock selling price 5,05 percent to be Rp. 458 per stock.
  3. UNSP or PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk., within increasing stock selling price 2,94 percent to be Rp. 105 per stock.
  4. NSSS or PT. Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera Tbk., within increasing stock selling price 2,76 percent to be Rp. 186 per stock.
  5. SIMP or PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk., within increasing stock selling price 2,53 percent to be Rp. 406 per stock.

Other palm oil companies got the same but theirs was only less than 2 percent, such as, AALI, STAA, SMAR, TAPG, DSNG, and LSIP.

Read more : IHSG Escalated 0,83 Point or 0,013 percent to be at Level 6.618,76

11 palm oil companies did too on Monday (12/6/2023) trade. What Editorials of noticed, it happened for external and internal factors.

The plan to conduct shareholders meeting in June 2023 and the corporates’ action could be the factors to increase their stock selling price. On the other hand, some palm oil plantation companies were late to get shareholders meeting and should get decreasing one.

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Disclaimer: This article is a qualified reference only, does not take or influence someone’s decision to invest. The writer is not in charge in every action to invest.

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