Palm Oil Plantation Stocks Show Positive Performance on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, Led by SGRO with a 1.90% Increase

Doc., JAKARTA – Palm oil plantation companies’ stocks maintained a positive trend on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023. PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk. (SGRO) led the way with a notable increase in stock selling price, rising by 1.90% to reach Rp. 2,140 per stock.

While the palm oil companies’ stocks were in the “green” zone, the overall market performance, as represented by the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG), experienced a decline (“got red”). The positive performance of palm oil companies’ stocks helped mitigate a significant decrease in the IHSG.

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As what Editorials of Palmoilmagazine.comnoticed, about 10 palm oil plantation companies’ stocks ‘were green’. Here are the top five:

  1. SGRO or PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk., within increasing stock 1,90 percent within increasing stock SGRO to be Rp. 2.140 per stock.
  2. JAWA or PT. Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk., within increasing stock 1,33 percent to be Rp. 76 per stock.
  3. FAPA or PT. FAP Agri Tbk., within increasing stock 1,00 percent to be Rp. 5.050 per stock.
  4. SMAR or PT. SMART Tbk., within increasing stock 0,98 percent to be Rp. 5.175 per stock.
  5. PALM or PT. Provident Investasi Bersama Tbk., within increasing stock 0,96 percent to be Rp. 524 per stock.

Read more : IHSG Drops 3.36 Points on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, Settling at 6,719.01

Read more : Palm Oil Plantation Companies’ Stocks Were ‘Green” Still though

Besides the companies, five others also got the same. At BEI, they were SSMS, TBLA, ANJT, LSIP, and AALI.

As Editorials of predicted, the increasing stock could be the alternative choice for stock investors to invest though palm oil industries still face many, such as, cheap crude palm oil (CPO) and some regulations in the exporter countries that burden many stakeholders.

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