PALMOILMAGAZINE, SIJUNJUNG – Regent Benny Dwifa Yuswir of Sijunjung presented land certificates to smallholders in Nagari Pulasan during an event held on Monday (4/3/2024) at the local Gedung Pertemuan Nagari.
The ceremony was attended by various dignitaries including Ny. Nedia Fitri Benny Dwifa, Chairperson of TP-PKK Sijunjung; Ronaldi, Head of Agriculture; the head of the Tanjung Gadang Subdistrict; Adhe Rizal, Head of Rights and Land Registration Decision at the Land National Agency Regency of Sijunjung, among others.
In his address, Regent Benny Dwifa Yuswir emphasized the regional government’s commitment to addressing the needs of smallholders and laborers in the regency by providing land certificates. He underscored the significance of these certificates in facilitating legal compliance for smallholders to participate in the Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP), expressing hope that this initiative would enhance their economic prospects and livelihoods.
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“Handing over the certificate would be the care of the government for smallholders or labors in Sijunjung Ranah Lansek Manih that we all love,” he said, as quoted from the official page of Regency of Sijunjung, Tuesday (5/3/2024).
Regent Benny also reminded the certificate should not be taken to pawn to get unproductive things. The certificate should be taken for advantage on getting loans to develop micro business. This would encourage more productive and sustainable business development.
Meanwhile, Head of Rights and Land Registration Decision, Land National Agency Regency of Sijunjung, Adhe Rizal said that in SRP 99 land certificates were realized for Nagari Pulasan.
SRP is one national strategic program which the goal is about to escalate palm oil plantation productivity, solve area legal issues that keep happening. It means, by the land certificate handed over, this would be the concrete thing to support SRP. (T2)