PALMOILMAGAZINE, PALANGKA RAYA – Sri Widanarni, Assistant for Economic Affairs and Development, opened the Budget [Read More]
Topic: Palm Oil Profit Sharing
Rejang Lebong Allocates Palm Oil Profit Sharing Funds for Plantation Data and Infrastructure
PALMOILMAGAZINE, REJANG LEBONG – The Fishery and Agriculture Agency of Rejang Lebong Regency in Bengkulu [Read More]
North Aceh Plantation Agency Hosts Socialization on Palm Oil Profit Sharing for Independent Smallholders
PALMOILMAGAZINE, NORTH ACEH – The North Aceh Plantation Agency recently conducted a socialization event on [Read More]
Luwu Timur Socializes Palm Oil Profit Sharing to Boost Economic Progress
PALMOILMAGAZINE, LUWU TIMUR – The Regency of Luwu Timur, through the Food Security and Plantation [Read More]
Palm Oil Profit Sharing: Enhancing Governance for Positive Outcomes
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In 2022, the Government of Indonesia officially enacted Law Number 1/2022 concerning [Read More]
Palm Oil Profit Sharing: Discrepancies in Field Realities
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAMBI – Agus Rizal, Head of the Plantation Agency in Jambi Province, highlighted that [Read More]
Preparation of Labor Data for Palm Oil Profit Sharing Protection Program in Lampung Province
PALMOILMAGAZINE, BANDAR LAMPUNG – To enhance the protection of palm oil plantation labors in Lampung [Read More]
Palm Oil Profit Sharing Promotes Infrastructure Development and Economic Equity in Central Kalimantan
PALMOILMAGAZINE, PALANGKARAYA – Sri Widanarni, Assistant in Economy and Development at the Central Kalimantan Secretariat, [Read More]
Palm Oil Profit Sharing in Konawe Utara: Majority for Infrastructure, Only 10% for Sustainability
PALMOILMAGAZINE, KONAWE UTARA – The Regent of Konawe Utara, Ruksamin, disclosed that palm oil plantations [Read More]
Optimizing Palm Oil Profit Sharing Allocation: PWPH Agency West Sulawesi Collaborates with Six Regencies
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In order to enhance the performance outcomes of the Palm Oil Profit [Read More]
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