PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Director of Palm Oil Plant and Various Palm Ministry of Trade has prepared some programs to encourage smallholders’ welfare, such as, accelerate smallholders’ replanting program, develop and empower planters’ institutions.
In the recent days, Ministry of Agriculture substituted its nomenclature by joining two directorates, they are, Directorate of Annual and Refreshing Plants with Directorate of Spices and Seasonal Plants to be Directorate of Annual and Seasonal Plants. Not only that, there has been new directorate, which is, Directorate of Palm Oil Plants and Various Palm.
Ardi Praptono gets the mandate to be Director of Palm Oil Plants and Various Palm. He is not new comer in Ministry of Agriculture. He was a Director of Plantation Protection since 2019. Ardi was once as the Head of Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BBPPTP) Surabaya.
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In fact, Dardi that graduated from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in 1998 has formulated the targets in the directorate he is into. At least, there are four short-term targets to get. The first, accelerate smallholders replanting program (SRP).
The second, synergize the help programs in SRP with infrastructures, human resources, and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) program; the third, get data about planters in spatial – base; the fourth, develop and empower the planters’ institutions.
Ardi who got graduate degree in Magister Agribisnis from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Surabaya continued that the targets are in synergy with the publication of the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Number 19 / 2023. This requires that areas in protected peat, are not the condition now. (T2)