Social Impact Assessment in Plantation Company

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Awit Fest 2021 / A Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is a study conducted to assess the social effects of a company's presence and operations in a specific region.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – A Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is a study conducted to assess the social effects of a company’s presence and operations in a specific region. It is crucial for palm oil stakeholders to recognize and comprehend the area in which they operate, in order to ensure environmental conservation and safeguard the well-being of humanity, the planet, and all its inhabitants.

It needs to involve the other stakeholders and the people to develop the operational. It would make impacts to develop one region, such as, the social.

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By the Social Impact Assessment (SIA), it is known the positive and the negative of the palm oil plantation development and cultivation. Multi-side impact could make the company develop the right strategies to manage the social impacts and anticipate the social risks and other issues.

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The social impacts that the company may get in the region could be “advancing benefits” and “mitigating adverse effect”. That is why the palm oil plantation company that has good will to conserve the environment and maintain the harmony with the local people would do the phases in SIA within the goal, to map the potential and resistance of the people and environment in one region and in the end the people could get the advancing benefits.

If the company which does not implement the phases of SIA, in its development, could raise the mitigating adverse effect which in the end, there would be conflicts with the local people and may sacrifice the men. The company (ies) should run the phases of SIA to know how much the social impact to the environment.

The phases of SIA in the company particularly in plantation sector is regulated in Undang – undang Perkebunan No. 39 / 2014 Chapter 2 and 3 and it is the condition to fulfill the proposal to join Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) scheme and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) which the principle is the responsibility on the worker, individual – individual, and community that is hit by the operational of the company where they exist.

By: Edwin Leonard Armany/Palm oil plantation practitioner

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