Palm Oil Challenges and Inclusivity

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Palmoilmagazine / Ignatius Ery Kurniawan, Editorial in Chief

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The palm oil industry continually encounters both challenges and opportunities in its operations. Despite facing difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector has persistently evolved to meet the global demand for vegetable oil.

As the vegetable oil markets, including palm oil, expand worldwide, new prospects and challenges arise for palm oil stakeholders. Exporting countries impose various terms, conditions, and regulations that can sometimes burden these stakeholders.

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European Union, for instance, published the latest regulation – European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) that European Union Parliament approved in the early of 2023 with the time limit about 15 months to go.

Besides, the challenges also come from non-government organizations that claim gender equity, chance to work, and not differentiate labors’ treatment.

Challenges Become Opportunities in Palm Oil

Palm oil exporter countries that have regulations become the challenges for Indonesian and Malaysian stakeholders as the two biggest crude palm oil producers in the world.

On the other hand, palm oil industries have big opportunities to deliver evidences to public on sustainable principles and criteria that have been running in palm oil industries including in the plantations.

Also Read : Indonesia Faces Challenges with CPO and Derivatives Due to EU’s Deforestation Ban

To deliver answer from many challenges in the exporter countries, palm oil industries have the big chances to realize sustainable palm oil as the same norm of the related stakeholders.

Traceability from palm oil supply chain is one real evidence on sustainable palm oil production. It is one of the best and sustainable practices that has been running for long, could increase productivity from the plantation harvest.

Big chances that Indonesia has, should answer the challenges from other countries. Besides, the digitalization technology implementation that runs in traceability could be part of CPO production lately.

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