PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The representatives from the Indigenous Awyu and Moi communities of Papua Province, along with environmental activists, submitted 250,000 petitions to the Supreme Court to protest against palm oil plantation permits in Papua on Monday, July 22, 2024.
The group staged a demonstration in front of the Supreme Court to express their concerns and call for the cancellation of permits that they believe threaten indigenous forests in the region.
Sekar Banjaran Aji, Chairman of the Legal Committee for the Awyu, expressed frustration with the legal process, noting that “There have been instances of disappointment, such as the Supreme Court recently appointing new regional heads after elections. When the indigenous people raised complaints, we had to wait months for a response.” This statement was reported by from Antara TV on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
Also Read: Environmental Activists from Papua Protest in Jakarta to Protect Indigenous Forests
Environmental activist, Melanie Subono said that it would be significant to conserve the forests. This is a must namely for the government as the policy maker. She hoped the Supreme Court would decide based on every law.
Based on the Consitution 1945 Chapter 33 paragraph 3, the earth, water, and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the country and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. Melanie hoped the legal officers would fairly decide based on the available regulations.
“We do know the forests in Papua are not for the interests for the tribes in the province only but also for the man’s interests whole over the world. Do you know our air quality now?” she said. (P4)