The Heart-Healthy Benefits of β-Carotene in Palm Oil, as Acknowledged by the Food and Nutrition Board

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / palm oil contains a particular nutrient that offers various benefits to the human body.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – β-Carotene, palm oil contains a particular nutrient that offers various benefits to the human body. This nutrient belongs to the carotenoid family, which imparts red, orange, and yellow hues to numerous fruits and vegetables.

In palm oil, β-Carotene concentration has about 377 ppm (parts per million), shows that palm oil is full of β-Carotene. It delivers the significant advantages for health.

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One main advantage of β-Carotene is its ability to reduce atherosclerosis in artery. Atherosclerosis is a condition when fatty plague piles in the artery wall. This could block blood to flow and escalate heart disease risks. The research of Bonnie and Choo in 2000 showed that β-Carotene in palm oil could help block the piles of fatty plague in artery and minimize atherosclerosis to happen.

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As quoted from “Buku Fakta Kelapa Sawit”, β-Carotene is known to have potential to minimize heart attack risks. According to Food and Nutrition Board in 2000, always consuming β-Carotene could help to maintain heart in good condition. The research also showed β-Carotene could help reduce low – density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol oxidation in body which is the main factor in hearth disease.

β-Carotene also plays important roles to maintain eyes healthy. In man’s body, β-Carotene can be substituted to be vitamin A, which is known as the essential nutrition for healthy eyes. Vitamin A is significant to maintain good seeing, prevents to get eye disease, such as, xerophthalmia, night blindness, and keep the eyes healthy in a whole.

Daily consumption of β-Carotene that Food and Nutrition Board recommended in 2000 was about 2,5 – 5,9 milligrams. Consuming food within β-Carotene, including palm oil, we could fulfill our daily nutrition needs. (T2)

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