Indications of ISPO Certification Fund Support for Smallholders

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special/Targets of Palm Oil Plantation Infrastructure in 2023.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Aligned with the provisions outlined in the Sustainable Palm Oil National Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan or RAN KSB), which encompasses five key components, the government persistently emphasizes the importance of obtaining the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification and enhancing market access for palm oil products.

According to Musdhalifah, the implementation of ISPO has been in effect since 2011, initially established through the Minister of Agriculture’s regulation (RMA), which was subsequently renewed in 2015. The commitment to ISPO was further solidified by the issuance of a presidential regulation in 2020, subsequently refined by the Minister of Agriculture’s provisions pertaining to ISPO..

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“By the publication of President’s Regulation Number 44 / 2020, it is hoped that ISPO certification governance could be better. RAN KSB would also encourage ISPO implementation,” she said to

Also Read : Accelerating ISPO Certification in East Kalimantan Plantations 26 Percent Success

ISPO certification is still voluntary for smallholders. But the government encouraged fund supports for them to get ISPO certification which is regulated in RMA about Fund Advantages from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA).

Director of Plantation Product Marketing and Process, General Directorate of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture, Prayudi Syamsuri said that the government has prepared 140 ISPO certificates but no institution register to get proposal.

“If (one institution) gets ISPO, the government would deliver red carpet by delivering infrastructure helps,” Prayudi said in Diskusi Nasional Sawit Berkelanjutan with the theme “Mendorong Peran Aktif Koperasi dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Kebun dan Percepatan Sertifikasi Berkelanjutan Petani Sawit Swadaya di Indonesia,” in Jakarta that attended by the late of July 2023.

He also said, the world needs sustainable palm oil certification and acknowledgement should be delivered by the people to give real description about palm oil plantation development in Indonesia. “That palm oil is developed not by damaging environment,” he emphasized. (T2)

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