PFMA Announces Top 10 Finalists for 2023-2024 Palm Oil Research Competition

Palm Oil Magazine
PFMA Announces Top 10 Finalists for 2023-2024 Palm Oil Research Competition. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Yogie Hizkia

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – After a long selection process, the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PO PFMA) has announced the top 10 finalists for the 2023–2024 Palm Oil Research Competition at the student level, as stated in announcement Number Peng-2/DPKS.4/2024.

According to the announcement seen by on Monday (September 23, 2024), 40 student groups received funding from PO PFMA to conduct research focused on palm oil innovations.

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During the selection process, PO PFMA and the evaluation team closely monitored and assessed the progress of each research project. Based on the final reports submitted, the validation team selected the 10 best research projects, which will be presented in the final round on October 3-4, 2024, at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) in Nusa Dua, Bali.

Also Read: PFMA Hosts Sharing Session and Evaluation on Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development

Here are the 10 best finalists that would present their research results:

  1. Citra Apriliana of University of Sebelas Maret that researched about quercetin double coating in UiO-66 from empty bunches that was conjugated by folic acid as drug carrier of colon cancer.
  2. Fatimah Aqilah Azzahro of University of Sebelas Maret that researched about stearin and olein modification as the drug delivery system in nanostructured lipid carrier – base to medicate melanoma cancer in the form of hydrogel patch.
  3. Hestiva of University of Tanjungpura that researched about nanolignin sunscreen development from empty bunches as the sun protection factor (SPF) amplifier.
  4. Khusnul Humayatul Jannah S. of University of Hasanuddin that researched about the advantages of tocopherol and cellulose from empty bunches as the atopic dermatitis drug in the form of patch in micelles – base.
  5. Muhamad Zakky Irsyada of Government University of Semarang that would develop acetate cellulose ultra-filtration membrane from empty bunche to reduce heavy metal substance from batik waste.
  6. Muhammad Nuril Islam of Technology Institution of Sepuluh Nopember that researched about carbon quantum dots from empty bunches as dopant photo-electrode to get water waste degradation and hydrogen production.
  7. Mutiara Sani Harahap of University of North Sumatera that researched about integrated water filter with nanochitosan from empty bunches as the solution to get clean water and sanitation.
  8. Sekar Ayu Wulanfrom of Institut Pertanian Bogor that researched about flavoring in palm oil sap by fermenting with moromi.
  9. Wahyu Saputra of Politeknik Negeri of Lampung that researched about biomaterial engineering of empty bunches to be xhantate cellulose as the material for textile.
  10. Yudhi Tegar Julianto of Institut Pertanian Bogor that researched about advantaging side products of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) as the source of phytosterol to reduce cholesterol level.

PO PFMA emphasized that the announcement would be the final decision and could not be claimed. The finalists would compete to get rank I, II, and III in delivering their presentation in Bali. The competition should also encourage innovation and development in palm oil – base, and encourage sustainable palm oil industries in Indonesia.

The event would be the significant platform for the students to contribute in palm oil research with the hope that their results would be implemented in national scale – palm oil industries. (P2)

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