Prioritizing the People, Ensuring the Success of the 20% Plasma Program


PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The recurring issue of the 20 percent plasma program in palm oil centers, such as in the District of Buol, Indonesia, has been a matter of concern.

Ali of Rasamala Hijau Indonesia emphasized that the government should take responsibility as the plasma program is regulated by them. Transparency is crucial, and there should be no more hiding of information related to this program.

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“Realize the rights of the smallholders. It is their rights and the government have to guarantee it. Besides, every institution that deals with the case, including Buol Legislators Special Committee, it needs to remember that thousands of villagers depend on you,” he said, as in the official statement to, Monday (17/7/2023).

Also Read : Villagers Clashed with PT BJAP

Executive Director of Sawit Watch, Achmad Surambo said the very high tenant conflict in palm oil plantations is partnership. This would be escalating if the government has not effective and efficient mechanism to solve the case.

He continued, partnership conflict at PT. is one case that is ignored by every policy maker. Do not let the case take for too long and deliver more negative impacts for many parties. “One thing to develop is small business that the smallholders should get, not the big ones. The companies should be in downstream sector not in upstream one that should cultivate areas,” he said. (T2)

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