, JAKARTA – The crude palm oil (CPO) tender conducted by PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) showed improvement, reaching Rp 9,915 per kilogram on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. This marks an increase of Rp 90 per kilogram compared to the previous day’s tender on Monday, June 12, 2023, which was priced at Rp 9,825 per kilogram. reported that the same price of Rp 9,915 per kilogram was observed in Belawan and Dumai.
However, this trend contradicts the palm oil trade in Malaysia. According to Reuters, the reference contract for crude palm oil (CPO) for delivery in August 2023 at the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange experienced a decline of RM 19 or 0.56%, reaching RM 3,348 (equivalent to US$ 725.15) per metric ton.
Read more : CPO Tender at KPBN on 12 June 2023 Drop Rp 125/Kg
It happened after Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) reported palm oil stock by the late of May 2023 that increased 12,63% and the highest increasing stock for the past four months to be 1,69 million metrict tons compared to April 2023.
Here is CPO tender at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Tuesday (13/6/2023):
- Franco Belawan & Dumai Rp. 9.915-MM, IBP. (T2)