Perisai Prabowo Reaffirms Commitment to Oversee Biodiesel Policy for Smallholders

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. PalmOilMagazine/Ahmad Kailani, Chairperson of Perisai Prabowo, underscored the crucial need for rigorous oversight of biodiesel policies, particularly the implementation of a 50 percent biodiesel blend (B50), to ensure they align with the interests of palm oil smallholders.

PalmOilMagazine, JAKARTA – Ahmad Kailani, Chairperson of Perisai Prabowo, underscored the crucial need for rigorous oversight of biodiesel policies, particularly the implementation of a 50 percent biodiesel blend (B50), to ensure they align with the interests of smallholders. At a sustainability discussion on biodiesel held in Jakarta on Thursday (24/10/2024), Kailani emphasized the vital role of farmers in the biodiesel supply chain and stressed that their needs must not be overlooked.

Kailani, a senior investigator at the Indonesia Competition Commission (KPPU), shared that his regular field visits provide direct insights into the challenges faced by small-scale farmers. “Ripened palm oil fruit needs to be purchased promptly, or it risks spoiling, which is a major loss for farmers. For this reason, Perisai and the Palm Oil smallholders Union (SPKS) will closely monitor the government’s biodiesel policies, ensuring fair partnerships between farmers and corporations,” Kailani stated.

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The event, themed “Establishing Farmer-Industry Partnerships in Developing Palm Oil Biodiesel for Farmer Welfare”, provided a platform for discussions on the challenges facing farmers beyond simply seed provision and land renewal. Kailani highlighted that governmental policies must consider the broader impact on the entire palm oil industry.

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He also pointed to the important role of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) in supporting replanting programs, particularly for farmers whose lands exceed 25 years in age. “BPDPKS funds, sourced from farmers themselves, must be equitably and promptly directed toward replanting needs. Many plantations over 25 years old require immediate renewal to maintain productivity,” Kailani emphasized.

Further, he highlighted that under President Prabowo Subianto’s administration, policies must genuinely address the welfare of farmers. “Prabowo has been consistent in upholding farmers’ rights. Future policies must be grounded in tangible impact, not just plans on paper. Partnerships with industry players should directly benefit farmers’ welfare,” he added.

Concluding the discussion, Kailani asserted that the B50 biodiesel policy must bring tangible benefits to small-scale palm oil smallholders rather than simply favoring large corporations. “We will continue monitoring the biodiesel policy to prevent adverse effects on smallholders. The welfare of smallholders remains our top priority,” he affirmed.

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This discussion served as a pivotal moment for biodiesel industry stakeholders to strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships, especially for palm oil farmers, who are an essential part of the industry. (T2)

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