PHRI and RSPO Join Forces for Sustainable Tourism in Yogyakarta

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / Chairman of PHRI Yogyakarta, Deddy Pranowo Eryono

PALMOILMAGAZINE, YOGYAKARTA – Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) in Yogyakarta has shown a positive response towards the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in the palm oil industry. PHRI recognizes the importance of environmental consciousness and the global reputation of RSPO, aligning with the dynamic aspirations of humanity.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the tourism industry in Yogyakarta has placed a strong emphasis on public health. In light of this, PHRI has partnered with RSPO to enhance the strength of sustainable tourism brands on a global scale.

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By collaborating with RSPO, PHRI aims to promote sustainable practices in the tourism sector, emphasizing the importance of caring for the environment while ensuring the well-being of visitors. This partnership will contribute to the development of a stronger sustainable tourism brand, aligning with the evolving priorities of the industry.

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Together, PHRI and RSPO aspire to create a sustainable tourism landscape in Yogyakarta that not only addresses the health concerns of travelers but also upholds environmental stewardship.

Chairman of PHRI Yogyakarta, Deddy Pranowo Eryono said, as one world class tourism destination, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province has 20% markets from foreign tourists. That is why he thought, it could be increasing to be 30% by implementing sustainable tourism.

“Target 30% from foreign tourists and 70% from domestic tourists would escalate tourism in the province,” Deddy said to, Friday (15/4/2023).

Mutualism symbiosis through the cooperation between RSPO and PHRI should encourage tourism in DIY to be the update tourism brand in Yogyakarta. That is why unique selling product (USP) through the word ‘sustainability; can be the successful key and succeed tourism industries in DIY in the future.

RSPO Deputy Director Market Transformation, Indonesia, Mahatma Windrawan Inantha did appreciate the good will of PHRI Yogyakarta which is realized in the same commitment to start using sustainable palm oil products by the members.

“It is time that sustainability becomes a strategy in tourism industries that would make its business relevant to answer the consumers’ needs that care about environmental and social issues,” Windrawan said. (T1)

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