Regent of Sekadau Distributes 61,620 Superior Palm Oil Seeds to Boost Smallholder Productivity

Palm Oil Magazine
Regent of Sekadau Distributes 61,620 Superior Palm Oil Seeds to Boost Smallholder Productivity. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, SEKADAU HILIR — Regent Aron of Sekadau officially distributed high-quality palm oil seeds to 32 smallholder groups across seven subdistricts in Sekadau Regency. The handover took place at Penangkaran Benih IP3K, CV. Takashima, in Dusun Janang Sebatu, Tapang Semadak Village, Sekadau Hilir.

This initiative is part of the regional government’s flagship program, IP3K (Program Unggulan Infrastruktur, Perkebunan, Pertanian, dan Perikanan untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat), aimed at improving the welfare of local communities.

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Sandae, Acting Head of the Fishery, Agriculture, and Food Security Agency, emphasized that the distribution of superior palm oil seeds demonstrates Sekadau’s commitment to increasing palm oil plantation productivity.

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“The seeds provided are categorized as pre-nursery and are of the DxP TN 1 variety, bred at CV. Takashima,” Sandae explained, as quoted by from the official Sekadau Regency website on Sunday (1/9/2024).

He further noted that the program targets groups registered in the Agricultural Extension Information System (SIMLUHTAN) with plantations in Sekadau Regency. “A total of 61,620 palm oil seeds were distributed to 32 smallholder groups in 22 villages, covering around 474 hectares of plantations. By 2024, the government has distributed 171,000 seeds, covering approximately 1,021 hectares,” he added.

Back to Regent Aron, he emphasized that IP3K would be about to encourage the people’s welfare. “The helps would be the stimulant for smallholders to cultivate palm oil plantations well and theirs would be more optimal and delivering impacts to their welfare,” he said.

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Regent Aron also reminded it would be significant to monitor and evaluate the program implementation. “The related instances and field counselors should develop the smallholders technically in the plantations. We do hope the seeds would be well cultivated and delivering advantages for the smallholders maximally,” he hoped.

The event was attended by Police Chief of Sekadau, Head of Sekadau Attorney, the representatives from Army 1204/Sanggau, and some other officials. Regency of Sekadau hoped the program would be the significant thing to escalate the people’s welfare through palm oil sectors. (P2)

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