Lutein in Palm Oil

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Yogie Hizkia

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Lutein, a carotenoid compound, is present in various natural sources including green vegetables, yellow eggs, and fruits. However, it is often overlooked that palm oil is also a significant source of lutein. Acting as a yellow pigment, lutein contributes to the color of foods and serves crucial functions in promoting eye health and preventing certain diseases.

As one major component in palm oil, concentration of lutein tends to be low in numbers. It is normally in trace. In crude palm oil (CPO), concentration of lutein depends on many factors, such as, the seed, extraction process, and environment condition where palm oil tree grows. In general concentration of lutein is low.

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As  quoted from Buku Fakta Kelapa Sawit, even though lutein concentration in palm oil is low, some research showed that lutein still has advantages for health significantly, such as, it is able to minimize eye disease risks that relates to old age, such as, AMD (Age-related Macular Diseases) and cataract. The research by Mozaffarieh et al. (2003), Schalch et al. (2007), van Leeuwen et al. (2005), and Wang et al. (2007) showed the positive connection between consuming lutein and risks of AMD and cataract.

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Besides, some research also showed that lutein could help minimize epithelial risks. According to the research by Yang et al. (1996), lutein consumption relates to minimizing this kind of cancer risks. Though the same mechanism is not fully understood, lutein is believed to have antioxidant that could protect body cells from oxidative damages that could develop cancer disease.

To get health advantage from lutein, it is suggested to consume about 1,3 – 3 milligrams per day. this is the same with the research by Nebeling et al. (1997) that recommended the numbers as the qualified doze to support eyes health and other body system.

Though lutein can be from palm oil, it is important to remember that lutein can only be found in many sources, such as, green vegetables, yellow eggs, and fruits. It would help in daily diet if consuming full of lutein regularly.

The conclusion is that though lutein concentration in palm oil could be low in numbers, it still delivers significant health, namely to maintain eyes healthy and minimize the risks of AMD, cataract, and epithelial cancer. It is important to get sources of various lutein in daily diet to get optimal advantages for body health in a whole. (T2)

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