Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Support for Accelerating ISPO Implementation

Palm Oil Magazine
Harvesting fresh fruit bunches (FFB). Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Imadul Auwalin

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Khadikin, a policy expert at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, voiced his support for the government’s plan to expedite the implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification for smallholders. He emphasized that making ISPO mandatory by 2025 would strengthen the palm oil plantation sector, particularly for smallholders.

In his statement, Khadikin noted that although ISPO will become mandatory in 2025, the government has already made significant preparations for the regulation. However, he highlighted that the primary challenges lie at the smallholder level, which requires considerable attention.

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“The government revised president’s regulation about the fund to accelerate ISPO implementation namely for the smallholders. This would be about to get it faster and support the people’s interests,” he said in a dialogue with the theme “Percepatan Sertifikasi ISPO Bagi Para Pelaku Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Melalui Pendekatan Yurisdiksi”, Thursday (12/9/2024) at ICE BSD where attended.

Also Read: Accelerating ISPO Certification in East Kalimantan Plantations 26 Percent Success

He also said that the substitution of the regulation would deliver ease to get smallholders’ data in ISPO standards. By having the fund, it is hoped they would adopt sustainable palm oil practices easily with the ISPO standards as the government regulated.

Coordinator Ministry in Economy coordinated with many related ministries, such as, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource to confirm that ISPO implementation would run as the plans. In this case, Coordinator Ministry in Economy would play as the main motor to integrated many interests and conform that every related party would contribute in ISPO implementation.

Khadikin also firmly said that ISPO implementation would be important not only to increase palm oil product competition from Indonesia in the world but also would maintain the environmental conservation and support the people’s economic sustainability.

“ISPO implementation would be different from the previous approach. The main principles are sustainability and environmental sustainability. We would fully support the policy and would always get coordination with many parties so that the implementation would also run wee,” he said.

By these, the government hoped ISPO as the mandatory regulation in 2024 would be the significant pillar to palm oil plantation cultivation and deliver the economic advantages for the people’s welfare sustainably. (P2)

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