SPKS Aceh Visits Alue Rimee Village: Exploring Palm Oil Plantation Potential and Business Rights Concerns

Palm Oil Magazine
Chairman of Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) Aceh Province, Abubakar AR (right) and Head of Village of Alue Rimee, Mansur (left). Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, NORTH ACEH– Abubakar AR, Chairman of the Aceh Province branch of the Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS), visited Alue Rimee Village in Purak Timu Subdistrict, North Aceh Regency, on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. The village is set to become a major site for independent smallholder palm oil plantations under the development of SPKS North Aceh.

The visit aimed to discuss sustainable cultivation practices with local smallholders, particularly the implementation of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) program and the development of infrastructure. The initiative was well-received by many independent smallholders, who expressed strong support for the program. “We support this for our welfare,” said Mansur, Head of Alue Rimee Village, to Palmoilmagazine.com on Friday, August 16, 2024.

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In the field visit, Abubakar did see the massive potential in some locations. They could be passing the terms and conditions to propose sustainable proram. He thought, the smallholders in the village planted about 6 – 14 yeara old – plantations. They were productive and laid on the same overlay.

Also Read: SPKS Aceh Would Develop SRP Proposals for 5 Groups that Covered 4.000 Hectares in East Aceh 

He also visited the border of the village where there was new planting through smallholders replanting program (SRP) by PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) I Cotgirek. The program itself that involved the operational cooperation with PTPN IV, laid on about 108 hectares in the village.

Mansur was worried about that PTPN would claim that the smallholders’ plantations would be part of the company’s business rights. “We are curious when the company has had business rights in our village,” he said.

To respond it, Abubakar would immediately check business permit detection application in his phone and found that the smallholders’ plantations were not parts of the company’s business rights. He suggested the smallholders to stay calm and be patient. He promised to get the real status of the areas from National Land Agency (NLA) Aceh Province.

“SPKS would be ready to know and advocate the smallholders in Aceh. In this very short, we would send official documents to NLA Aceh Province to get audience to confirm the business rights status,” he said.

Also Read: SPKS Aceh Chairman Urges Transparency on Palm Oil Companies’ Community Development Obligations 

If it is proven that PTPN Cotgirek develops palm oil plantations out of its business rights, SPKS would send official documents to Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial/NLA to solve the case so that the smallholders would not get losses.

He also explained to the villagers about the plantation company’s obligation as regulated in the Laws Number 39 / 2014 about Plantation that regulated, every company both the enterprise and private should conduct fasilitas pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar (FPKMS) 20% from their business rights.

Insya Allah, Village of Alue Rimee would have the big potential to get new palm oil plantations that the company would develop around the village freely as regulated in the laws,” Abubakar said. (P2)

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