PTPN IV Regional III Boosts Superior Oil Palm Seedling Supply to Support Farmers in Riau

Palm Oil Magazine
PTPN IV Regional III Boosts Superior Oil Palm Seedling Supply to Support Farmers in Riau. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Muhammad Iqbal

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PEKANBARU – To support the acceleration of the Smallholder Palm Oil Replanting Program (PSR) and boost productivity, PTPN IV Regional III, part of the PTPN IV PalmCo Sub Holding, has expanded the supply of certified superior oil palm seedlings in Riau Province.

The seedlings are available at six nursery centers: Dumai City, Tandun and Sei Pagar (Kampar Regency), Sei Rokan (Rokan Hulu Regency), Lubuk Dalam (Siak Regency), and Air Molek (Indragiri Hulu Regency).

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The prepared seedlings have the potential to produce fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of 33–35 tons per hectare annually. Rurianto, Region Head of PTPN IV Regional III, stated on Friday (13/12/2024) that 1.6 million seedlings have been distributed to farmers.

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“This program has received very positive responses. Demand continues to grow, so this December we are preparing an additional 200,000 seedlings to support smallholder plantation replanting,” Rurianto said, as quoted by from Riauterkini, Monday (16/12/2024).

The two varieties provided, PPKS 540 and PPKS SMB, offer advantages such as faster harvesting age (28 months), an average weight of 19 kilograms per bunch, productivity up to 35 tons per hectare annually, and a high oil extraction rate of up to 27%. “We offer these benefits to help farmers achieve optimal yields while supporting the vision of national food and energy sovereignty,” Rurianto explained.

PTPN IV also simplifies farmers’ access to seedlings through nursery centers or the Sawit Rakyat Online website. Ferry P. Lubis, General Manager of the Farmer Partner District, said that farmers can obtain information or order seedlings through the company’s official contact. “Farmers only need to visit the centers or contact our official representative, Ridho, at +6282371422295,” Ferry stated.

This initiative also addresses the issue of counterfeit seedlings, which has long been a challenge for farmers. According to a survey by the Palm Oil Research Center (PPKS), many farmers are misled by counterfeit seedlings due to lower prices, lack of information, or distance to official providers.

“Since early 2021, we decided to release superior seedlings, which were previously limited to nucleus and plasma plantations, to independent farmers through online channels,” Ferry added.

The program is not limited to Riau but has also been expanded to other regions across the country in response to farmers’ positive reception of superior seedlings that support the success of PSR initiatives. (P2)

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